“BIBS was for me a great possibility to meet more people interested in new ways of managing organisation and doing business development.”
Before joining BIBS, I was studying Life style and Sport management at Palacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic). After my studies in Olomouc, I have met many interesting people, who helped me travel and work in different countries for several years. After this period of time dedicated to labor work abroad, I got the opportunity to shift to office work in an Icelandic company. When the 2008 crisis hit the market, I moved back to Czech Republic and started as Head of sales at a production company belonging to the Ministry of Defense. My task was a challenging one, namely to manage business and maintain corporate incomes in order to avoid mass layoff.
While working internationally, I have met many executives from civil engineering and in the industry of defense. They inspired me and I decided to join BIBS to get professional knowledge and competence in business and international relations. BIBS was for me a great possibility to meet more people interested in new ways of managing organisation and doing business development. I remember until today these top classmates: business executives, company owners, managers from different fields, people with same interest in personal development.
After graduating from BIBS, I decided to join Terex corporation that is a major producer of heavy industry machines, cranes, excavators, etc. That experience changed my life because I could meet more and more experienced professionals while implementing what I had learned at BIBS. After several professional challenges, I joined RM Gastro as a general secretary. Because of a major internal crisis, I was quickly appointed COO/CEO in 2016. Since then, despite the COVID crisis, we achieve tremendous success and I became member of board and Proxy (authorized person to act as company decisionmaker) in 2022.
My advice to all people interested in studies is to take that chance at BIBS: meeting inspiring people, learning new knowledge and skills in business and administration, having an opportunity to hear different points of view that challenge the status quo, all this will change your life.